4. Badr, at the time of Prophet PBUH, was used as a station. Caravans used to stop their so that their camels could drink water. A market used to be organized at Badr on annual basis.
5. The battle of Badr dates back to an interesting event. The Quraish were returning from Syria. They were to reach Makkah. The Prophet PBUH asked his two companions to fetch news of the Quraish caravan.
The two companions followed the instructions and reached a location named Alhawra. When they saw that the caravan had arrived under the leadership of Abu Sufyan ibn Harb, they rushed back to Madina to inform the Prophet PBUH with the news
6. The Prophet (PBUH) asked his followers to get to the caravan. An army of 300 men (estimated figures lie between 313 and 317). The army only had 2 horses and 70 camels with them. The army had men belonging to the Muhajirs (the immigrants) and the Ansars.
The Immigrants were 86 in number while the rest were supporters belonging to the tribes named Awas and Khazraj.
7. The Muslim army was divided into two by the Prophet (PBUH). The first group was of Muhajirin who were led by Hazrat Ali ibn Abi Talib and the second group was the supporters who were led by Saad ibn Muadh-
8. The two groups departed from Madina and reached Safra. Holy Prophet PBUH sent two of his companions to fetch reports about the enemy. Abu Sufyan, however, reached Makkah safely with his caravan.
He had changed the route and had given a rescue call in Makkah. The Quraish, on the call of Abu Sufyan, prepared an army of 1300 men, 100 horses and a significant number of camels. Abu Jahl led the army.
9. Abu Sufyan had sent the message of his safe return, yet Abu Jahl did not return. The arrogant leader did not allow his army to return. The Bani Zahrah tribe refused to obey him and the 300 men from the very tribe departed. The rest, 1000 men, were motivated for a war.
Banu Hashim tribe wanted to return as they did not want to be the part of the unnecessary war, yet they were not granted the permission by Abu Jahl and they marched along the army. The army reached the Upper Adwa’ hillock. This hillock borders the Valley of Badr.
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